Family Life
Our long-term family life program will provide housing for pregnant women and provide daily programming and evidence based academic curriculum. A special emphasis will focus on individual case management, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, health and wellness, addiction and recovery, financial literacy, employment training, conquering codependency, parenting and personal development, and faith formation.
After-Care Services
Vita Nova alumni will bridge into aftercare services, live independently in housing secured by our affordable housing partners. Aftercare services include home visitation, case management, weekly educational classes, scholarships for continued education and employment training, mental health therapy, addiction and recovery, support groups, youth programming and childcare, transportation assistance, faith and fellowship retreats, and holiday gatherings.
Childcare Program
Vita Nova will partner with a Licensed Day Care Operator to provide childcare programs for children ages 0-10 of current residents. This Day Care Provider will implement effective practices to promote children’s growth and learning capabilities, social and emotional development, language and literacy, cognition, and physical development.