Primary Care Services

Transforming Lives

In Vita Nova Maternity Community’s primary care residential program will offer housing, daily support and structure, case management, and evidence-based programming. The 9-12 month program will focus on pathways for attaining pre- and post-natal care, health and wellness, parenting skills, and financial independence. Upon admission to VNMC, each woman will work with a case manager and receive hygiene supplies, clothing for her and her child, and a suite style room that will accommodate her and her baby’s needs. VNMC staff will conduct an initial assessment to determine a plan and goals for each woman. The initial assessment will address; education, employment, income/debt, medical history (mental health, physical health, and pregnancy history), and medication management, family history, need for substance abuse support, legal barriers, child welfare involvement, relationship development, and individualized personal needs. Each resident will be required to attend a comprehensive core curriculum and will work to overcome barriers with her assigned case manager. After successfully completing the Primary Care Support Services Program, mothers will bridge into the Alumni Support Services Program.


Alumni Support Services

Life Beyond Vita Nova Maternity Community

The alumni program is designed to fortify the skills and resources gained in our primary care support services program and encourage the continuation of healthy, pro-social habits. Alumni services are essential and show mothers that Vita Nova Maternity Community’s staff is committed to life-long guidance and support. Case managers will engage graduates with resources, referrals, education, and job opportunities, and support groups. VNMC staff will meet with graduates on a regular basis to answer questions, provide guidance, and discuss new goals. The alumni program empowers women to build healthy relationships and participate in the community. We will be there for the women when they achieve milestones and celebrate a “new life” full of love and dignity.