
A Heartfelt Response

Five years ago, Jessica and I became deeply immersed in understanding the powerful work of maternity communities that assist pregnant women in dire circumstances. These communities were champions in tackling critical issues like homelessness, poverty, addiction and promoting responsible parenting.

Despite their tireless efforts, the magnitude of need often surpassed the required resources and space. Truly, their unwavering commitment and the significant impact these organizations had on their communities ignited a spark within our hearts and spurred us to contribute.

This inspiration led to the creation of Vita Nova, the premiere maternity community in the Papillion area, envisioned to extend and amplify the mission of aiding pregnant women in need. Vita Nova is our heartfelt response to the urgent call for more support for pregnant mothers in the Papillion communities. It is a beacon of hope and our pledge to this noble cause.

Today, more than ever, there is a need for maternity housing. The demand for these programs and services continues to grow. To address this, we are creating a new maternity community called Vita Nova in the Papillion area. This maternity center and community will offer a safe space for women and their children, providing intensive therapeutic services, educational programming, addiction and recovery treatment, and more. Through critical social service providers willing to provide support for pregnant mothers in crisis, Vita Nova aims to empower women and end generational homelessness, poverty, and family breakdown.